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Faculty Staff
Faculty Team - Cultivating Virtue, Pursuing Knowledge, and Gathering the Wise

Great teachers inspire with their wisdom and compassion, nurturing students who thrive on their own, without the need for explicit guidance. The university has always attached great importance to the construction of its teaching staff, vigorously implementing a strategy of strengthening the school through talent, constantly enriching the teaching staff, optimizing its structure, and establishing a high-quality and innovative teaching staff.

The university currently has 1,231 faculty and staff members, including 905 teachers. Among them, there are 276 associate professors and above with professional and technical titles, and 591 teachers with master’s degrees or above. The university has a team of experts who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council, leading talents in basic research under the “Zhongyuan Thousand Talents Plan”, outstanding experts in the province, academic and technical leaders at the provincial level, as well as province-level outstanding talents in science and technology innovation, province-level outstanding youth in science and technology innovation, and science and technology innovation talents in provincial universities, and excellent teachers at the national and provincial levels, model teachers in the province, teaching masters at the provincial and municipal levels, and other renowned teachers. There are currently four provincial-level outstanding teaching teams, three provincial-level innovative science and technology teams, and one municipal-level technical skills master workshop. A large number of renowned experts and scholars have long served as teachers at the school, enjoying a high reputation in all walks of society.

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Address: No.18, Yingcai Street, Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, P. R. China Post Code: 450044 TEL:0086-371-68229793 Zhengzhou Institute of Technology